[Soot-list] jump targets and weird label placement

Lonnie Princehouse lonnie.princehouse at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 13:17:03 EDT 2010

I've encountered some strange behavior with JTableSwitchStmt, where Soot
seemingly generates a label in the wrong place.
This happens when a JTableSwitchStmt is created with a jump target
immediately following where the JTableSwitchStmt will be inserted.

Unit target1, target2, target3 = ...;

Unit switchStmt = new JTableSwitchStmt(foo, 0, 1,
               Arrays.<Unit>asList(target1, target2), target3); // default

body.getUnits().insertBefore(switchStmt, target3);

This results in jimple code like this:

            case 0: goto label1;
            case 1: goto label2
            default: goto label3;

The default case now causes an infinite loop. Really, we want label3 to come
after the tableswitch statement.
This workaround seems to solve the problem, although I have no idea why:

// instead of inserting before target3, insert after predecessor of target3
body.getUnits().insertAfter(switchStmt, body.getUnits().getPredOf(target3));

As I said, the workaround fixes it, but I thought I'd put it out there as an
FYI that there may be something weird with label generation.
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