[Soot-list] soot always requires StringBuilder class, but this class is never used

Richard Xiao richardxx at cse.ust.hk
Wed Jun 2 05:09:54 EDT 2010

Dear all:

I have some problems in compiling the benchmarks with soot.
I plan to do a points-to analysis experiment, and the first step is to run
spark to general a call graph. According to the instructions, I use JDK 1.3
for my purpose. Thus, here comes my problem:

I cannot compile the software "polyglot" under the JDK1.3, even 1.4. The
reason is, soot requires the "StringBuilder" which is first appeared in JDK
1.5. However, as I manually search for the source files, I found no
reference to  "StringBuilder". Therefore, I'm wondering how I can deal with
this case in my experimental setting? I try this problem because it is one
of the benchmark both in Lhotak's paper "Context-Sensitive Points-to
Analysis: Is It Worth It?" and Guoqing Xu's paper " Merging Equivalent
Contexts for Scalable Heap-Cloning-Based Context-Sensitive Points-to

This problem also occurs for "jlex", which is a tiny program. I guarantee
there's no use of StringBuilder.

Please help me with this question if guys you know the solution. Thanks very
very much~

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