[Soot-list] Trying to do getClass() on a static method...need to implement inner classes

Eric Bodden bodden at st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
Fri Jun 18 03:06:41 EDT 2010

> This wouldn't work as I want the runtime class of the called static method.
> The constant could only correspond to the declaring class (,if I am not
> wrong) and doesn't give me the proper class in case of derived classes.
> To continue your example, if I have another class:
> class Oof extends Foo {
>     ...
> }
> , I want to get a handle to Oof inside the call:
> Oof.bar();    // where bar() is the static method defined in class Foo
> and Foo inside Foo.bar().
> I must admit that I am still getting used to Java, and might have missed
> some of its inheritance concepts, but new Object()
> {}.getClass().getEnclosingClass() is what I found should work here. If there
> is any other way, I'd be really glad to try that out too.

I guess you are right. I forgot that in Java you can actually
inherit static methods. (I wonder if people actually use this
feature.) Yes in that case I also cannot think of another simple way
to solve this.

Regarding your original question: can you please use the flags "-f
jasmin" to Soot? This will output the classes as .jasmin files. Then
please check if the jasmin file for your class contains appropriate
inner-class attributes. If it does not, then we know that something is
wrong with the attribute generation.


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