[Soot-list] How to have whole-program analysis run from non-main() methods

Jiaqi Tan tanjiaqi at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 09:27:39 EST 2011


I am trying to explore the whole-program call-graph of a program
completely by flooding it, including from non-main() functions (even
if this will create disconnected components in the call-graph).

However, it seems that the current Soot whole-program analysis only
treats functions named as "main", or with a single String[] argument,
as main functions.

Is there any particular restriction that requires the whole-program
analysis to begin from a main(String[]) function (i.e. it is just
impossible to begin whole-program exploration from a non-main()
function)? Or is it just that an arbitrary exploration was never

Help would be much appreciated :)

Jiaqi Tan

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