[Soot-list] Exception and Method Analysis

Richard Warburton richard.warburton at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 21:34:11 EST 2011

Hello soot list,

I was wondering what analyses were available for finding out about
interprocedural exception throws.  Specifically I'm interested in
obtaining a list of exceptions thrown from a method m - including
those thrown by methods called by m and pruned by trap handlers
appropriately.  I appreciate that a sophisticated version of this
analysis would also probably depend on things like points-to analysis
and Class Hierachy Analysis, but I'm wondering what options I have in
terms of precision/performance tradeoff based on things already
implemented in soot.  I imagine that the result of such an analysis
might be something like an interprocedural control flow graph with
exceptional edges and traps if that helps.

I'm sorry if this is documented somewhere, but I couldn't find a
complete list of soot analyses.

kind regards,


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