[Soot-list] how to get call graph in dot file

John Jorgensen jorgnsn at cs.uregina.ca
Tue May 10 16:01:00 EDT 2011

>>>>> "bodden" == Eric Bodden <bodden at st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de> writes:

    bodden> If I am not mistaken then Soot has no
    bodden> built-in support for dumping the call graph in dot
    bodden> format.

I've forgotten the details of how it works, but there's a
--dump-cfg <phaseName> option for the Soot command line 
(see http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/tutorial/usage/index.html)
which at least used to create a directory full of dot files, probably one for
each method, containing the CFGs at the end of the specified

The option was added to help check the re-implementation of CFG
construction, so it might be of limited use to people who are
using, rather than maintaining, Soot.  And making sense of the
graphs might require use of --dump-body <samePhaseName>.

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