[Soot-list] Error: Attempt to create RefType containing a ;

Kwanghoon Choi lazyswamp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 13:46:43 EDT 2011

Dear All,

I am trying to use JSA to analyze some classes.
I issued a command to run JSA with program arguments:

   -dir=android.jar -dir=LibrarySystem_dex2jar.jar

And I got the following errors.

Class: android.nfc.NdefMessage$1
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempt to create
RefType containing a ; --> Landroid.nfc.NdefMessage;
at soot.RefType.<init>(RefType.java:54)
at soot.RefType.v(RefType.java:68)
at soot.SootClass.<init>(SootClass.java:85)
at soot.SootClass.<init>(SootClass.java:97)
at soot.SootResolver.makeClassRef(SootResolver.java:108)
at soot.SootResolver.addToResolveWorklist(SootResolver.java:154)
at soot.SootResolver.bringToBodies(SootResolver.java:290)
at soot.SootResolver.processResolveWorklist(SootResolver.java:138)
at soot.SootResolver.resolveClass(SootResolver.java:124)
at soot.Scene.loadClass(Scene.java:425)
at soot.Scene.loadClassAndSupport(Scene.java:411)
at dk.brics.string.StringAnalysis.loadClass(StringAnalysis.java:608)
at dk.brics.string.StringAnalysis.loadDirectory(StringAnalysis.java:686)
at dk.brics.string.AnalyzeRuntime.main(AnalyzeRuntime.java:148)

The versions of the software is
  - automation.jar
  - string.jar
as I downloaded from the brics JSA site.

I used some upgraded extra jar files:
  - soot-2.4.0.jar
  - polyglotclasses-1.3.5.jar

Would you help me to figure out any reasons of the error above?
Thanks in advance.

Kwanghoon Choi
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