[Soot-list] Inconsitency in ReflectiveCallsInliner

Christophe Foket christophe.foket at elis.ugent.be
Wed Apr 11 12:33:01 EDT 2012


It seems that there is an inconsistency in ReflectiveCallsInliner when 
handling reflective calls of type Method.invoke. For Method.invoke 
calls, createNewMethod creates a new method that accepts two parameters. 
However, inlineReflectiveCalls, generates calls to this method with an 
argument list of size 3. This causes incorrect stack height errors, 
since one of the arguments is not popped off the stack.

I'm not sure if the newly generated method should accept three 
parameters, but not adding the first argument (a reference to the 
Method) to the argument list (by removing line 420), seems to resolve 
the issue.

    418    case MethodInvoke:
    419        //add Constructor argument
    420 *//REMOVED: args.add((Value) ((InstanceInvokeExpr)ie).getBase());*
    421        //add Object argument
    422        args.add((Value) ie.getArgs().get(0));
    423        //add Object[] argument
    424        args.add((Value) ie.getArgs().get(1));
    425        break;


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