[Soot-list] Incomplete Call Graph for Web Application

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at ec-spride.de
Wed Dec 12 05:02:20 EST 2012

Hi Tony.

> I have similar questions too. Is it possible to have Soot perform an
> analysis of mixed precisions? Here is what I mean: when the points-to
> set is not empty, let SPARK do what it used to do; when it is empty,
> let it fall back to a CHA solution.

Not out of the box. I guess you could instantiate two call graphs, but
it would involve some manual coding because Soot is not set up to have
more than one call graph at a time. It may be simpler to just compute
Spark's normal call-graph and then program a CHA-like call graph on
your own. It's not hard: you just need to match call sites against the
possible call targets in the class hierarchy.

About using CHA in general: I tried this with Soot yesterday and I
found that it works if all-reachable is enabled, see here:


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