[Soot-list] Soot-list Digest, Vol 81, Issue 5

Tezcan Dilshener tezcan at dilshener.de
Fri Jan 6 16:07:26 EST 2012

Hi Eric,

> Can you just delete the .java files?
I do not have .java files. Soot is demanding for source files when I run it with -process-dir option.
It is reading all the classes from the directory I specify on the call option and then looks for their source files hence fails with exception.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: couldn't find class: HelperCorrelation (is your soot-class-path set properly?)
	at soot.SootResolver.bringToHierarchy(SootResolver.java:184)

The exception is misleading because in debug mode, I can see that it is looking for the source file and not for the class file. 
It is coming form the SootResolver after the following line.
ClassSource is = SourceLocator.v().getClassSource(className);
When I specify the source directory on the class path as indicated by the exception message, then I get the following error;
Exception in thread "main" soot.CompilationDeathException: there were errors during parsing and/or type checking (JastAdd frontend)
	at soot.JastAddInitialResolver.formAst(JastAddInitialResolver.java:63)

I have already written these two issues to you and to the user-list.  So as you can see this is getting real frustrating.
I can always use the ASM library to get a call/invocation list form class files but I am still hoping to use a reputable framework like the Soot.

Has anyone out there actually used Soot to obtain a call graph from .class files for an application that does not have any main methods?
I would love to hear form you about how you achieved it?
Could you please provide me a working code example? 

On 06.01.2012, at 12:06, Eric Bodden wrote:

>> Looks like no matter what I do Soot is trying to look for the sources of the
>> classes that it reads.
> Can you just delete the .java files?
>> All I am trying to do is record a list of ClassA.method() calls
>> ClassB.metod().
>> How can I run Soot so that it only analyzes class files to give me a such a
>> list?
> Just create a BodyTransformer in the "jtp" pack that prints all invoke
> expressions in the respective body's unit chain.
> Best wishes,
> Eric

Tezcan Dilshener  

"Subset of all things that we know and believe makes our knowledge."

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