[Soot-list] Soot needs better documentation

Saswat Anand saswat78 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 11:56:15 EST 2012

The main ASM tutorial is:
http://asm.ow2.org/doc/tutorial-asm-2.0.html. If people find that
tutorial helpful, it means that what is described in that tutorial
represents a possibly common use-case of tools such as ASM and soot.
That tutorial describes mostly about instrumenting existing classes or
generating new classes---stuff that Soot can  do very well.

Thus, it may help if somebody writes a tutorial to show how those
things (described in ASM tutorial) can be done using Soot. Currently,
soot's tutorials (e.g., survivor's guide) are geared towards users who
want to use/write program analyses.

That tutorial may be named "Introduction to butter-knife soot" :)


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