[Soot-list] Cmp, cmpl, cmpg?

David Given dg at cowlark.com
Tue Jul 10 17:09:35 EDT 2012

Thanks to Soot, my project is going extremely well --- thank you! I
should be able to unveil it in a week or so, all going well...

In the meantime, a question: what operations do CmpExpr, CmplExpr and
CmpgExpr represent? They appear to be comparing numbers in some way, but
I can't find any information on what precisely they mean.

┌─── dg@cowlark.com ───── http://www.cowlark.com ─────
│ life←{ ↑1 ⍵∨.^3 4=+/,¯1 0 1∘.⊖¯1 0 1∘.⌽⊂⍵ }
│ --- Conway's Game Of Life, in one line of APL

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