[Soot-list] XML attributes

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at ec-spride.de
Mon Jun 11 21:21:52 EDT 2012

Hi Yitzhak.

> I found the answer to these questions in the Soot source. Sorry to bother everyone -- the code turned out to be far easier to read and explore than I'd anticipated. (Kudos to the authors)

Great :-)

> For those interested:
> 1) Class tags are not printed.
> 2) The code can be found in soot.xml.TagCollector which is called from the soot.XMLAttributesPrinter, which is called (indirectly) from soot.PackManager.writeOutput.
> Does anyone know why this is the case?

My guess is that there just never was a need. The XML feature is
mainly used as a means to generate annotations in the Eclipse plugin,
and that plugin does show statement annotations but no class
annotations. It should be no problem to add class annotations if
required. If you send an appropriate patch, I am happy to test it and
integrate it.

Best wishes,

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