[Soot-list] Help with FastHierarchy.isSubclass(SootClass child, SootClass parent)

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at ec-spride.de
Sat Oct 6 15:50:59 EDT 2012

> I thought excluding classes would just instruct Soot to skip analysis of
> them.

No, soot won't load that class.

> In my case, anything that starts with "android." would not be analyzed
> but any included class (all in my jar because of "set_process_dir") that
> uses excluded classes would still be analyzed. Right?

That sounds right.

> I can see that only the classes in my jar are being analyzed (I loop through
> Scene.v().getApplicationClasses())
> Am I not using exclude/include correctly?

Well it really depends on your use case, what "correct" really means.

> On the other hand, if exclusion was indeed the issue, why would some classes
> in my jar trigger the NPE and not all of them?

Because for some classes the super class is excluded (and thus null)
but not for others.


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