[Soot-list] the allocate sites that may be pointed to by 'l' ?

Zhoulai zell08v at orange.fr
Tue Sep 18 06:49:44 EDT 2012

Dear all,

I have a very basic question. Could you help me?

Given a class C, a method m, and a local l, how can I use Spark to retrieve
interprocedurally t*he allocate sites that may be pointed to by 'l'* ?
It seems the interface PointsToSet does not provide operation.

Many thanks.


Given MyClass and its method test(), the wanted results for the local 'x'
is the set {allocSite1 and allocSite2};
                                 for method foo(); the wanted results for
the local 'b' is the set {allocSite2}.

class MyClass{
A x;
if (?){
   x = new A();   //allocSite1
    x = foo();

A b = new A(); //allocSite2
return b;
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