[Soot-list] Original variable names

Eric Bodden eric.bodden at ec-spride.de
Wed Apr 3 12:09:19 EDT 2013


> I'm trying to get the original names of variables, but I don't want to do it
> with the expense of loosing precision of my analysis by setting
> use-original-names option.
> My first question is, is there an already-implemented way to do this besides
> use-original-names option? (something like translate Jimple-assigned names
> to original names).


> If there isn't, then I want to do something like creating a mapping table
> for original variable names and jimple-assigned names while transforming the
> source to Jimple.
> What would be a Soot way of doing this ?

You would need to modify the appropriate JastAdd .jrag files in
to attach a new kind of Tag to each Unit that gets produced.

Another alternative might be to tweak use-original-names such that it
does not merge locals but instead generates multiple different locals
with the same source name. I am not sure if that works in all cases,
though, it's just an idea.


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