[Soot-list] Dexpler

Saswat Anand saswat78 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 14 01:46:29 EDT 2013

I tried Dexpler on about two hunderd apk's. In ~90% of the APK's,
Dexpler/soot generates useful .class files. By useful, I mean I can run
some Chord-based static analysis on those class file. This success rate of
Dexpler is very impressive. Thanks to the Dexpler authors for sharing the

While using it, I noticed the following performance problem in the Dexpler

In soot.dexpler.DexBody class, there are multiple calls as the following,
which get executed for each method of each class.


The type of jBody is soot.jimple.JimpleBody. The result of the above call
is that the entire body is prettyprinted to a String even when the debug
file is *not* set and thus, the pretty-printed string never gets used.

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