[Soot-list] about Heros

Rohan Padhye rohanpadhye at cse.iitb.ac.in
Sat Apr 20 02:26:44 EDT 2013

Hi Marc-André,

Are you saying that instead of using "SootMethod" for generic type "M" 
in Heroes to use "MethodContext" instead? This will create different 
copies of each method for different contexts and achieve 
context-sensitive program points.

This sounds like a great idea if you want to incorporate, say, a 
context-sensitive call graph in IFDS (e.g. use Paddle's call graph 
instead of Spark's call graph for a more precise analysis).

The problem I see in this is that the number of distinct contexts is 
actually defined by the call graph - which in turn is based on points-to 
information. What you would ideally want is to distinguish contexts 
based on data flow values of your own analysis which you are performing 
with Heros - what is the gain from distinguishing between contexts of 
points-to analysis?

On 2013-04-20 07:27, Marc-André Laverdière-Papineau wrote:
> Hello,
> I am butting in, because I had on my mind to try context sensitivity 
> in
> IFDS at some point too...
> The inherent problem with a bounded stack of context strings is that 
> it
> is bounded :)
> So the problem you mention could be hit even without recursion. I 
> sort
> of remember algorithms to detect recursion, but I'd have to dust off 
> my
> Dragon Book to get in the details of that.
> The question is: why bother?
> I am thinking that one may define an IFDS analysis that use the
> MethodOrMethodContext API and the Geometric encoding - which removes 
> the
> need for context strings altogether.
> Marc-André Laverdière-Papineau
> Doctorant - PhD Candidate
> On 13-04-19 09:56 AM, Rohan Padhye wrote:
>> Hello Eric,
>> That is an interesting approach. I also have a requirement of
>> context-sensitive data flow values so allow me to butt into this 
>> thread.
>> How would such a model work in the presence of recursion? Wouldn't
>> bounding the call-string stack limit the precision for call 
>> sequences
>> deeper than that bound? And would the algorithmic complexity 
>> increase by
>> a cubic factor of the stack-bound? Or am I getting it wrong?
>> Alternatively, if a client wants to query whether a data flow fact 
>> "x"
>> holds at a point "p" along a particular call-sequence "c_1...c_k", 
>> would
>> it make sense (this is just a stab in the dark, I may be absolutely
>> wrong) to only compute graph reachability starting from <entry, 
>> zero> to
>> <p, x> along paths that contain the call sequence "c_1...c_k"? Or is
>> this an incorrect understanding?
>> Thanks,
>> Rohan
>> On 2013-04-19 15:07, Bodden, Eric wrote:
>>> Hi Zhang.
>>> IFDS formulates context-sensitive analysis in such a way that a
>>> context is characterized by domain values, not by (method-signature
>>> based) calling-context strings. You should hence design your 
>>> abstract
>>> domain accordingly. For instance, in case you really need a
>>> calling-context string then your domain should hold a (bounded) 
>>> stack
>>> of those strings.
>>> Eric
>>> On 18.04.2013, at 17:46, Zhang Yufeng <yuffonzhang at 163.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Eric,
>>>> I am using Heros in my project.
>>>> I have two questions about the "context-sensitive" problem.
>>>> The first question:
>>>> In my IFDS problem,
>>>> in implementing the function
>>>> public FlowFunction<Local> getNormalFlowFunction(Unit curr, Unit
>>>> succ) {}
>>>> I need to know the context about where the method including 'curr'
>>>> is invoked.
>>>> In my problem, the operations on the Domain D for the same unit 
>>>> are
>>>> different in different context.
>>>> For example, in the following fuction:
>>>> void foo() {
>>>> obj1=obj2;
>>>> }
>>>> for statement
>>>> obj1=obj2;
>>>> the operation on the 'facts' in the domain 'D' is different in the
>>>> different context (where the function foo() is invoked).
>>>> But in the function
>>>> public FlowFunction<Local> getNormalFlowFunction(Unit curr, Unit
>>>> succ) {}
>>>> there is no information indicating that the curr unit is 
>>>> encountered
>>>> under what context.
>>>> Can I do this in Heros?
>>>> The second question is also about the context-sensitive problem.
>>>> After I get the results by solving the IFDS problem.
>>>> I can get the result at each unit by using:
>>>> solver.resultsAt((Stmt)unit);
>>>> right?
>>>> My question is:
>>>> does Heros keep the context-sensitive information in the results?
>>>> In some cases, the results at the same unit are different in
>>>> different context.
>>>> How can I get this from Heros?
>>>> I don't know whether I make it clear.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Best.
>>>> Yufeng
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