[Soot-list] analyzing applications using Java Web Framework?

Marc-André Laverdière marc-andre.laverdiere-papineau at polymtl.ca
Mon Feb 11 22:43:28 EST 2013

I am working on that nowadays, and it is a lot of work! Let's just say it won't hurt to have more people involved...

If you are looking for papers to read, I can suggest the F4F and Andromeda papers from IBM Research.

Is there a part in JEE that you are more interested in handling?
Marc-André Laverdière
PhD Candidate - Doctorant
Sent from a mobile device - please excuse the brevity

lu zhao <00luzhao at gmail.com> wrote:

>I'm new to soot and trying to analyze a web application that uses Java 
>Servlet and JSP technologies. Because many control and data flows are 
>implicitly conducted by a web container, directly analyzing the code of 
>the application is not very helpful. Is there any work that has been 
>done on modeling data and control flows of the Java Web framework? Any 
>pointers to existing work are really welcomed.
>Thanks very much,
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