[Soot-list] Bytecode level transformer

Marc-André Laverdière-Papineau marc-andre.laverdiere-papineau at polymtl.ca
Wed Jun 26 20:39:14 EDT 2013


Soot normally works at a higher level representation, called Jimple,
which is somewhere between Java and the bytecode.

There is a representation called Coffi that you can use to deal with the
bytecode, but I don't think that a lot of the analyses will work on coffi.

But my question is why you would like to work on the bytecode in the
first place?

Marc-André Laverdière-Papineau
Doctorant - PhD Candidate

On 26/06/13 05:47 PM, Ivan Postolski wrote:
> Hello Soot List, newbie question:
>     I'm currently coding a body transformer on soot and want to know how
> get the bytecode instructions that read a value from the heap, like
> aaload or getfield, and then do some transforming after those. Is this
> possible with soot and Jimple? 
> I also want to get into the invokes and the bytecode them point to. like
> "iterator.next()"
> Thanks
> Ivan.-
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