[Soot-list] Behavior of Options.parse

Guru Devanla gdevan2 at uic.edu
Sat Jun 29 13:47:49 EDT 2013

Hello Soot-List,

I see this strange behaviour of Options. I am running soot.Main.main(<my
arguments>).  This statement gets invoked multiple times when I run my test
suite but with different set of arguments. It happens that each time I
invoke this statement I am also setting the "-cp" argument.

Now, one of the items in the <my arguments> is "-cp". Since, the
Options.parse(), does not clear the "options" list before pushing new
values, I get the following error:

Duplicate values  <classpath> and <classpath> for -cp

Why is this intended behavior. Can I submit a PR to clear the list?

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