[Soot-list] Backward Interprocedural Data flow analysis using HEROS

ASHISH MISHRA ashish123.mishragkp at gmail.com
Wed May 8 07:58:50 EDT 2013

Hi All any one please help,

I need a Live variable kind of analysis over complete program, for this I
am trying to use the heros framework. I started by looking at some of the
examples of IFDSLocalInfoFlow and IFDSReachingDefs,

I have a doubt in this-

What does a FLowFunction which I need to porvide signifies, i.e-
1) Is it an edge connecting a dataflow fact at the current program point to
a data flow fact after the statement. Means Do I need to provide these
edges. OR

2) Do I need to give Gen and Kill information in these FlowFunctions, which
HEROS Solver uses to generate the edges of the exploded graph.

I am confused because, in the example analysis, some places , a GEN and
KILL set is generated or modified like in IFDSLocalInfoFlow while for
IFDSReachingDefs no gen  and Kill set are manipulated .

Only after I understand this, I can write and plugin the flow functions for
my analysis, a variant of Live Variable analysis.

Thanks in Advance
Ashish Mishra
Graduate Student,
Computer Science and Automation Department,IISc
Cell : +91-9611194714
Mailto : ashishmishra at csa.iisc.ernet.in
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