[Soot-list] Transformation capablilities of Soot

Zeinab Lashkaripour lashkaripour at yahoo.com
Tue May 14 10:48:56 EDT 2013

Hi Bernhard,

Thanks for your nice reply.

> As far as I understood, you try to calculate the results of a 
StringBuffer. It's not easy to solve this problem since you have to take care of the complete StringBuffer-API and some parts of the String may 
not be visible (read from input or passed to a method). Have I 
understood you correctly?
Yes you are right but in my case I don't have none visible parts although their value would not be clear till runtime.
I need to concatenate the different parts of the LHS variable which I have processed and add it to my code. 


> But take care of gotos and exceptions. 
I can not see why this is an issue. Is that for the time that I want to add this statement at the end of the statements of a specific label or am I making a mistake?
For example I have "var = value;" in my code that depending on its value I need to add a value to my local list. I don't understand why your point will matter in my case?

Thanks in advance.


 From: Bernhard Berger <berber at tzi.de>
To: Zeinab Lashkaripour <lashkaripour at yahoo.com> 
Cc: soot-list at sable.mcgill.ca 
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2013 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Soot-list] Transformation capablilities of Soot

Hi Zeinab,

Am 13.05.2013 um 21:18 schrieb Zeinab Lashkaripour <lashkaripour at yahoo.com>:

> That is the reason why Bernhard and I have used templates to generate Jimple.
>Could you please open up what you have done a little bit. Can we use these templates or not? 
>Modifying Jimple code by "hand" is a tedious task. Especially if you have to consider jumps and so forth and you try to generate large parts. I started to write a transformation engine for jimple where you can specify a pattern and a replacement in textual Jimple and the engine searches in the memory representation of jimple for the matches and replaces them -in memory- with the occurrences of the pattern. It is based on the ideas of TXL (http://www.txl.ca).  A simple example is inlining of special function calls (but it's a bad example since it's easy to do it programmatically):
«transformation» «replace» virtualinvoke «obj1».<org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase: void service(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)>(«obj2», «obj3»); «end» «by» virtualinvoke «obj1».<org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase: void _jspService(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)>(«obj2», «obj3»); «end»

Currently, the transformation is done in wjpp to have some benefits in the cg construction. Whether you can use this preliminary framework is hard to say since I did not understand your goal. Can you give us a specific example? As far as I understood, you try to calculate the results of a StringBuffer. It's not easy to solve this problem since you have to take care of the complete StringBuffer-API and some parts of the String may not be visible (read from input or passed to a method). Have I understood you correctly?

> 1. That looks like you want to do syntax-directed translation in order to determine the constant parts of that string concatenation. Am I right?
>I don't know what you mean. 
>The result of my analysis can be in the form of   (v1 = "...." + v + "..") which means that the value of the LHS variable (v1) can contain variables and constants. I wanted to know in order to insert this statement in my code do I have to perform the actions that are done in a Jimple code (using a StringBuilder and virtualinvoke) or is there a way to give such a value to a variable at once?
>> 2. I have no idea what you want to ask...
>In this question I want to add a value to the list that I have added to my locals and insert "list.add(value)" in my code. How can I do that?This sounds like you are trying to instrument your code. I'm confused. You have to create an InvokeStmt and add a VirtualInvokeExpr. The base is the list-local and the parameter is the value-local. But take care of gotos and exceptions. Otherwise your results may be invalid.

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