[Soot-list] recognize catch and finally blocks

Haipeng Cai@ND hcai at nd.edu
Mon May 20 21:23:57 EDT 2013

Hello all,

Trying to instrument in the catch block and finally block, if there is any,
I am not sure if some handy routines are available for (1) telling if there
is any such blocks in a given method or not, esp., catch and finally block
separately since there might be catch blocks without a finally block; and
(2) if (1) is true, locating or retrieving the blocks so that manipulation
in them can be performed such as instrumenting probes as I am asking for.

I found there are utility classes like ExceptionalBlockGraph
 ExceptionalUnitGraph, both of which can be instantiated with the active
body of a given SootMethod, do the instance member "getTails" provide
direct helps in this regard? The code comments say that it will return exit
points of the graphs, do that tell the catch and finally blocks? But still
this would not tell a catch block from a finally one.

Any advice is appreciated a lot.

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