[Soot-list] Announcing FlowDroid

Bodden, Eric eric.bodden at sit.fraunhofer.de
Tue May 21 13:37:57 EDT 2013

Hi all.

Maybe some of you saw our announcement already but just to make sure I would like to announce to you the availability of FlowDroid, a novel static taint-analysis system based on Heros and Soot.

As the name suggests, FlowDroid was specifically developed for Android but in principle and with little modifications it can also be used to analyze Java applications. We describe the implementations and experiments in a Technical Report. The implementation is available on GitHub.

If you are working on taint analysis, and I know some of you are, we definitely encourage you to check it out. In turn, if you find any suggestions for improvement we would greatly appreciate if you could let us know, ideally through the corresponding bug tracker on GitHub.

Also, if you are interested in a collaboration in this topic then we are always happy to exchange ideas in this space.

To find out about more work in this space, including future work, make sure to subscribe to my group's new blog:

Best wishes,
Eric Bodden, Ph.D., http://sse.ec-spride.de/ http://bodden.de/
Head of Secure Software Engineering Group at EC SPRIDE
Tel: +49 6151 16-75422    Fax: +49 6151 16-72051
Room 3.2.14, Mornewegstr. 30, 64293 Darmstadt

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