[Soot-list] Generating class files from Scene Transformer

Guru Devanla gdevan2 at uic.edu
Thu Oct 3 16:01:37 EDT 2013

Hello Soot-list,

As I had stated on another email thread, I am extending soot to generate a
set of structural mutants for a set of Java classes.

For this to work, I provide a listener implementing SceneTransformer. In
this internalTransform method of scene transformer, say I am swapping an
'unit' to a another instance on 'unit' that has some mutated code.  I would
like to immediately write these changes as a .class file. Is there a easy
way to do this.

So, what I am looking for is this.

u = <unit to be mutated>

for each kind of mutant, v:
    //say unit is in class C and in method m
    swap(u, v)
    Write update C to a .class file in specific folder identifying the
    swap (v, u)

So, is this possible?  Or is there a better way to do this.

Ultimately, I aim to have these examples integrated into soot toolkit. So,
please do suggest an good approach

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