[Soot-list] Soot

Patrice Koligheu Kontchou pkolighe at umich.edu
Thu Oct 24 13:53:31 EDT 2013

Greetings Soot Community.

I am Patrice Kontchou. A graduate student at the University of
I am writing my thessis this semester in software remodularization and I am
using SOOT framework. I have a problem that I would appreciate if you could
give me a hint please.

I have a source code that I am reading for analysis purpose. I want to read
this source code and classisfy each package with the list of his classes.

What I did up to now is that I read all application classes of my source
code and try to get packageName of each package and classify classese based
on the package that declares them. But for some reason I am not getting the
correct number of classes in the system.
this is how I get class of the system:
for (SootClass c : Scene.v().getClasses()) {
applicationClasses.add(c); }

Thank you for your help.

Patrice Kontchou
Graduate Student, Software Engineering
University Michigan-Dearborn.
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