[Soot-list] java.lang.VerifyError and byte code execution trace

Yongzhi Wang wang.yongzhi2009 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 23:44:14 EDT 2013

Dear All,

Thanks for your suggestion. I am transforming class files into other form
at the jimple level. However, the transfromation is about control flow and
it is a little unusual. I am trying to "flattening" the control flow: I
chop each original function into multiple blocks and makes them accessible
to a big switch. The control flow is preserved by the variable of big
switch. The idea is explained in the following webpage and the example is
as follows:


Suppose I have original function as follows:

int a = 1;
int b = 2;
int c = a+b;

The transformation result is as follows:

int l = 0;
while (true){
 case 0: goto L1;break;
 case 1: goto L2; break;
 case 2: goto L3; break;
 case 3: goto L4; break;

L1: int a = 1; l = 1;
L2: int b = 2; l = 2;
L3: int c = a+b;l = 3;
L4: return;

I guess the  "Register 3 contains wrong type" error is because that my
transformed class file has instruction aload_3 appears before astore_3. If
that's the case, do we have some tricks to pass the verifier.

When I run the program with "-noverify" option, The program give me the
following JVM crash error message:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  Internal Error
pid=28705, tid=1904704400
#  assert(!Universe::heap()->is_gc_active()) failed: Allocation during gc
not allowed
# JRE version: 6.0_25-b03
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (20.0-b10-fastdebug interpreted mode
linux-x86 )
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp

I observe that the bytecode "newarray byte" is executed. I assume this will
allocate memory, while the gc is performed. But I have no clue why does
this happen. The original program will also execute "newarray byte". But no
such error happens.

Best regards,

On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 1:33 AM, John Jorgensen <jorgensen.john at gmail.com>wrote:

> My knowledge of this topic is stale, but ten years ago when I modified
> Soot's exceptional control flow analysis, I ran into circumstances where
> improving the precision of exception analysis could lead Soot to generate
> unverifiable code by basing its optimizations on more precise analyses than
> those available to the bytecode verifier.
> In that case, the unverifiable code resulted because the bytecode verifier
> assumed that every instruction within the scope of an exception handler
> might have that handler as its successor, even if the instruction could not
> possibly throw an exception that the handler would catch.  That meant that
> if Soot made optimizations based on knowing that some instructions could
> not throw particular exceptions, it was possible that the verifier could
> judge the resulting code unsafe, because it would think the code might lead
> the exception handler to be executed with the VM in an improper state (for
> example that some instruction in the handler might be executed when
> "Register 3 contains wrong type").  See sections 2.6 and 3.4 of the Sable
> Technical Report 2003-3<http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/publications/techreports/sable-tr-2003-3.pdf>for more detail.
> So in your example, it is conceivable that the verifier is not smart
> enough to determine that astore_3 is always executed before aload_3, even
> though you can see that it is.  Or maybe there is dead code that wants to
> read a different type from register 3, but the verifier can't tell it is
> dead.
> But as I said before, my knowledge of this subject is outdated (as I just
> confirmed by  glancing at the current JVM spec's description of
> verification: I don't remember it including any Prolog in the old days).
> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 11:29 PM, John Jorgensen <jorgensen.john at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> My knowledge of this topic is stale, but ten years ago when I modified
>> Soot's exceptional control flow analysis, I ran into circumstances where
>> improving the precision of exception analysis could lead Soot to generate
>> unverifiable code by basing its optimizations on more precise analyses than
>> those available to the bytecode verifier.
>> In that case, the unverifiable code resulted because the bytecode
>> verifier assumed that every instruction within the scope of an exception
>> handler might have that handler as its successor, even if the instruction
>> could not possibly throw an exception that the handler would catch.  That
>> meant that if Soot made optimizations based on knowing that some
>> instructions could not throw particular exceptions, it was possible that
>> the verifier could judge the resulting code unsafe, because it would think
>> the code might lead the exception handler to be executed with the VM in an
>> improper state (for example that some instruction in the handler might be
>> executed when "Register 3 contains wrong type").  See sections 2.6 and 3.4
>> of the Sable Technical Report 2003-3<http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/publications/techreports/sable-tr-2003-3.pdf>for more detail.
>> So in your example, it is conceivable that the verifier is not smart
>> enough to determine that astore_3 is always executed before aload_3, even
>> though you can see that it is.  Or maybe there is dead code that wants to
>> read a different type from register 3, but the verifier can't tell it is
>> dead.
>> But as I said before, my knowledge of this subject is outdated (as I just
>> confirmed by  glancing at the current JVM spec's description of
>> verification: I don't remember it including any Prolog in the old days).
>> On Thu, Sep 12, 2013 at 7:27 PM, Yongzhi Wang <wang.yongzhi2009 at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> I am stucked by the byte code that I generate with soot. I am using soot
>>> to transform the control flow of java class. The transformed program should
>>> behave same as the original program. However, my generated class file
>>> cannot be executed  without the "-noverify" option.
>>> If I run the class file in java without "-noverify" option, I got the
>>> following error message:
>>> java.lang.VerifyError: (class: Test, method: main signature:
>>> ([Ljava/lang/String;)V) Register 3 contains wrong type
>>> If I run the class file in java with "-noverify" option, some test
>>> program will run correctly. But some test programs will be pending. I
>>> suspect the program is in a dead loop given my transformed control flow.
>>> My question is:
>>> 1. What is the usual reason of "Register contains wrong type" error? I
>>> can observe that my transformed class file has instruction aload_3 appears
>>> before astore_3, even though I use goto instruction to control the control
>>> flow to make sure astore_3 is executed before aloud_3. Is that the reason?
>>> If so, what's the trick to fix this problem?
>>> 2. I suspect the test program is in a dead loop. How can I trace the
>>> bytecode instruction execution sequence from JVM? Is there any tool or JVM
>>> option I can use?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Yongzhi
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