[Soot-list] Error named "no visible type named"

Diptikalyan Saha diptikalyan at gmail.com
Tue Aug 12 02:29:24 EDT 2014


Is there any workaround for -allow-phantom-refs to work for source code in
case of unresolved external dependencies (other than resolving the


I saw a previous message on this.

*Eric Bodden* bodden at st.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
*Wed Apr 13 03:36:13 EDT 2011*

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I think -allow-phantom-refs only works reliably when you use bytecode.
For source code, Soot (and any compiler, actually) will need access to
all the classes to resolve the program's abstract syntax tree
completely. The problem is that otherwise the compiler won't be able
to distinguish certain classes from packages etc. because in Java they
share the same syntax.


On 13 April 2011 04:44, zhang <6211026 at 163.com
<http://mailman.cs.mcgill.ca/mailman/listinfo/soot-list>> wrote:
>* Hi,
*>* I get an error when I'm using Soot with Ant 1.6. Here are some
detail messages :
*>* Soot started on Wed Apr 13 10:19:21 CST 2011
*>* G:\Slice\program\apache-ant-1.6.0\apache-ant-1.6.0\src\main\org\apache\tools\ant\taskdefs\optional\ide\VAJAntTool.java:58,8:
*>*  Semantic Error: no visible type named com.ibm.ivj.util.base.Project
*>* G:\Slice\program\apache-ant-1.6.0\apache-ant-1.6.0\src\main\org\apache\tools\ant\taskdefs\optional\ide\VAJAntTool.java:59,8:
*>*  Semantic Error: no visible type named com.ibm.ivj.util.base.ToolData
*>* G:\Slice\program\apache-ant-1.6.0\apache-ant-1.6.0\src\main\org\apache\tools\ant\taskdefs\optional\ide\VAJAntTool.java:88,13:
*>*  Semantic Error: no visible type named Project
*>* G:\Slice\program\apache-ant-1.6.0\apache-ant-1.6.0\src\main\org\apache\tools\ant\taskdefs\optional\ide\VAJAntTool.java:91,17:
*>*  Semantic Error: no visible type named ToolData
*>* G:\Slice\program\apache-ant-1.6.0\apache-ant-1.6.0\src\main\org\apache\tools\ant\taskdefs\optional\ide\VAJAntTool.java:141,13:
*>*  Semantic Error: no visible type named ToolData
*>* G:\Slice\program\apache-ant-1.6.0\apache-ant-1.6.0\src\main\org\apache\tools\ant\taskdefs\optional\ide\VAJAntTool.java:141:
*>*  Semantic Error: can not instantiate Unknown no matching
constructor found in Unknown
*>* G:\Slice\program\apache-ant-1.6.0\apache-ant-1.6.0\src\main\org\apache\tools\ant\taskdefs\optional\ide\VAJAntTool.java:141,31:
*>*  Semantic Error: no visible type named ToolData
*>>* Do I have to find the class named "com.ibm.ivj.util.base.Project"
and added it to Soot's classpath. Because I am not care for what does
the package do, I think the "-allow-phantom-refs" option can do
something for this situation. However it does not work. Is there a way
to make Soot work with it?
*>* Thank you.
*>>* zhang
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