[Soot-list] Multiple instances of Soot in a single host program

Wei Peng pengw at umail.iu.edu
Sun Dec 28 12:18:38 EST 2014

Hi All,

This is my experience report; hope it will be helpful to others with
similar needs.

After some code digging and much trial/error, I come to the conclusion that
invocation of Soot has to be *fully* serialized, and Steven's suggested
workaround (using G.GlobalObjectGetter inner interface) is the only
reliable way to have multiple threads interact with Soot *concurrently*,
but unfortunately *not* in parallel. My attempt to minimize Soot's critical
section to the usage of global objects (i.e., the */v()) has failed with
numerous Exceptions.

The reason appears to be the lazy/on-demand resolution of many non-global
objects (e.g, SootClass, SootMethod), which boosts performance, but
unfortunately, spread the singleton */v() invocations throughout Soot's

Below is a (Clojure) template of having multiple worker threads, each
holding a local G.GlobalObjectGetter instance, to serializedly but
concurrently interact with Soot. I have polished the logic a bit to include
a macro ("with-soot" in "example/helper.clj") and other helper routines to
ease the deal with Soot mutex and G.GlobalObjectGetter. I plan to release
the code on GitHub later.


==== example/worker-thread.clj ====
(ns example.worker-thread
   (:require [example.helper :as helper]))

(defn worker-thread []
  (let [g-objgetter (helper/new-g-objgetter)]
    ;; this macro, defined in the helper namespace, wrap the body of soot
      ;; use the current thread's Soot context
      ;; no need to reset Soot context at the end --- as long as everyone
uses its own Context
      ;; the real work begins from here
      ;; set soot.options/Options (the var "options" is bound in
      (doto options
        (.set_src_prec (Options/src_prec_apk))
        (.set_whole_program true)
        ;; other options follow
      ;; set soot.PhaseOptions (the var "phase-options" is bound in
      (doto phase-options
        (.setPhaseOption "cg.cha" "enabled:true,verbose:true")
        ;; other phase options follow
      ;; run body packs (only "jb" is listed here)
      (helper/run-body-packs :scene scene :pack-manager pack-manager
:body-packs ["jb"])
      ;; post body packs processing; the var "scene" can be  is bound to
the Scene singleton, i.e., Scene.v()

==== example/helper.clj ====
(ns example.helper
  (:import (soot G
           (soot.options Options)))

(def soot-mutex
  "Soot mutex: Soot is unfortunately Singleton"

(defmacro with-soot
  "wrap body with major Soot refs *at the call time*: g, scene,
pack-manager, options, phase-options; g can be (optionally) provided with
g-objgetter (nil to ask fetch the G *at the call time*); (G/reset) at the
end if \"reset?\" is true"
  [g-objgetter reset? & body]
  `(locking soot-mutex
       (when (instance? G$GlobalObjectGetter ~g-objgetter)
         (G/setGlobalObjectGetter ~g-objgetter))
       (let [~'g (G/v)
             ~'scene (Scene/v)
             ~'pack-manager (PackManager/v)
             ~'options (Options/v)
             ~'phase-options (PhaseOptions/v)]
         ~(when reset?

(defn new-g-objgetter
  "create a new Soot context (G$GlobalObjectGetter)"
  (let [g (new G)]
    (reify G$GlobalObjectGetter
      (getG [this] g)
      (reset [this] (new G)))))

(defn get-application-classes
  "get application classes in scene"
  (->> (.. scene getApplicationClasses snapshotIterator)

(defn get-application-methods
  "get application methods in scene"
  (->> scene
       (remove #(.. ^SootClass % isPhantom))
       (mapcat #(.. ^SootClass % getMethods))

(defn map-class-bodies
  "map classes to their method bodies"
  (for [class classes
        :when (not (.. class isPhantom))
        method (seq (.. class getMethods))
        :when (and (.. method isConcrete)
                   (not (.. method isPhantom)))]
    (.. method retrieveActiveBody)))

(defn run-body-packs
  "run body packs over application classes"
  [& {:keys [scene pack-manager body-packs]}]
  (doto scene
  (doseq [pack body-packs]
    (when-let [pack (.. ^PackManager pack-manager (getPack ^String pack))]
      (doseq [body (->> scene get-application-classes map-class-bodies)]
        (.. pack (apply body))))))

Wei Peng
Department of Computer and Information Science
Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI)
pengw at iupui.edu  |  www.cs.iupui.edu/~pengw/

> On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 11:45 AM, Steven Arzt <Steven.Arzt at cased.de>
> wrote:
>> Hi Wei,
>> Soot was sadly never intended to support such use cases. We have issues
>> with those design decisions (that date back more than ten years) in our own
>> projects as well. The best workaround we have found so far is to
>> quick-switch between Soot instances. We create one copy of all singletons,
>> then reset Soot, load the next instance, save it again, etc. Whenever a
>> thread needs to access one of the singletons, we check which thread it is,
>> get the corresponding saved generic instances, and restore them. This means
>> that we cannot have real concurrency, but we can simulate the singletons
>> for every thread by copying back and forth. Support for this switching has
>> been added to the G class (look for “GlobalObjectGetter”).
>> I know that this is not a real solution, but changing such low-level
>> design decisions is almost impossible in a project like Soot without
>> breaking almost all  current applications that use Soot.
>> Best regards,
>>   Steven
>> *Von:* soot-list-bounces at CS.McGill.CA [mailto:
>> soot-list-bounces at CS.McGill.CA] *Im Auftrag von *Wei Peng
>> *Gesendet:* Freitag, 26. Dezember 2014 23:18
>> *An:* soot-list at CS.McGill.CA
>> *Betreff:* [Soot-list] Multiple instances of Soot in a single host
>> program
>> Hi,
>> First, thanks for open sourcing Soot and keeping on making it better
>> after so many years.
>> I have searched but not found any answer to my following question.
>> It appears to me that Soot is designed to be Singleton, evidenced by the
>> ubiquitous .v() calls for retrieving the root objects (Scene, Main, etc).
>> However, if I want to do *separate* analyses on *totally different set
>> of classes* in a *single host* program, the global states shared by
>> Singleton would interfere with each other.
>> My questions are:
>> * How can I host multiple instances of Soot in a single program?
>> * If it is not possible without making intrusive changes to Soot, can I
>> somehow reset the global state?
>> What I have found that maybe relevant:
>> * G.v().reset()
>> *Use case *I have a host program that uses Soot to construct
>> SootMethod/SootClass, on which the host program will extract info. The host
>> program takes a bunch of Android APK names from STDIN, and farms out
>> *isolated* analyses of the APKs to a pool of worker threads. One step in
>> these worker threads is to use Soot to construct SootMethod of the APK
>> (using the "jb" pack). However, the Singleton architecture of Soot would
>> prevent me from doing this.
>> *Motivation* All the benefits of using a single JVM to do multiple
>> tasks: Saving JVM start time, using lightweight theads instead of OS
>> processes, cache warming, control parallelism through FixedThreadPool
>> instead of using GNU Make "-j" trick, etc.
>> Wei.
>> Wei Peng
>> Department of Computer and Information Science
>> Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI)
>> pengw at iupui.edu  |  www.cs.iupui.edu/~pengw/
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