[Soot-list] Whole program analysis

Aditya Bhandari aditya_bhandari at iitb.ac.in
Tue Feb 11 10:26:46 EST 2014


I am very new to using Soot. I am using Eclipse to run a simple live
variables analysis using Soot on the following test program.

*public class Input {*

* private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();*
* private int count = 0;*
 * private class Thread1 extends Thread {*
* public void run() {*
* lock.lock();*
*     count++;*
*     lock.unlock();*
*     }*
* }*
 * public static void main(String[] args) {*
* Input ip = new Input();*
 * Thread t1 = new Thread(ip.new Thread1());*
*                t1.start();*
* }*

Even on using the -w option, the *run()* method is not reached during the
analysis. How can I enable Soot to enter the *run()* method when
*t1.start()* is called?

Also, how can I extract the call graph for the program?
I have tried the following for obtaining the call graph (read this in a
beginner's tutorial on using Soot). But, it produces a out of memory error.

*public class Livemain {*

 * public static void main(String[] args) {*
*     if(args.length == 0) System.exit(-1);*
*     PackManager.v().getPack("wjtp").*
*     add(new Transform("wjtp.liveVariables", new SceneTransformer() {*
* @Override*
* protected void internalTransform (String phaseName, Map options) {*
*    CallGraph cg = Scene.v().getCallGraph();*
*    System.out.println("call graph: " + cg);*
*    }*
* }));*

*     soot.Main.main(args);*
*        }*

Thank you in advance!

Aditya Bhandari
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