[Soot-list] Duplicating Locals!!

M Alsob m99m20 at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 21 12:35:30 EST 2014

Hi all,I am experiencing something odd with soot, and I am wondering whether is it supposed to happen this way or is it a bug in the system,,the code I am running is very simple, it just traverses a method unit graph,  it iterates over locals and for each local variable, it outputs the following info:given name, type, definition lines and use lines.. (just using getDefBoxs and getUseBoxes)for some variables the tool outputs two results with different types( e.g. w and y ) and for some it duplicates them and outputs them as two different vars( e.g. x)!!
why is that happening and is there a way to fix that??Thanx..
this is a snapshot of the code in the java file:
38:   int w = 5, y,x,z;39:   y=w-1;40:   x = 3+y;41:   z = x*y;42:   if(y>0)43:   {44:   	z=x++;45:   	if(someCondtionThatDoesNotIncludeTheVars))46:   	while(w>y)47:   	{48:   		y += 10;49:   		fun(y);50:   	}51:   	else52:   		fun(y);53:   }54:   x = z*z;55:   w = x;56:   y = 0;
and this is some of the result:
-- Variable: w, Type: byte = {  Definition Lines: [[38, 38]] Use Lines: [[39, 39], [46]]}
 -- Variable: y, Type: int = {  Definition Lines: [[39, 39], [48]] Use Lines: [[40, 40], [41, 41], [42], [48], [49], [46], [52]]}
-- Variable: x, Type: int = {  Definition Lines: [[40, 40]] Use Lines: [[41, 41], [44], [44, 44]]}
 -- Variable: z, Type: int = {  Definition Lines: [[41, 41], [44, 44]] Use Lines: [[54, 54], [54, 54], [58]] }
 -- Variable: x, Type: int = {  Definition Lines: [[44], [54, 54]] Use Lines: [[55, 55], [58], [58]]}
 -- Variable: w, Type: int = {  Definition Lines: [[55, 55]] Use Lines: [[58]]}
 -- Variable: y, Type: boolean = {  Definition Lines: [[56, 56]] Use Lines: []}

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