[Soot-list] Virtual and InterfaceInvoke

Martin Schäf martinschaef at gmail.com
Wed Jul 9 13:24:28 EDT 2014

Hi guys,
we're doing a Java to Boogie translation. One of the issues is to have a
"nice" translation of virtual- and interface invokes. What we do right now
is roughly: given a call
we collect the set of whatever class "c" might be at this point and do s.th.
if (c instance of C1) ((C1)c).f();
if (c instance of C2) ((C2)c).f();

So here is my question: what is currently the "best" way to get the set
types that "c" may have at this point. For soundness, it has to be an
over-approximation. However, we need it to be pretty narrow, otherwise the
Boogie program becomes too big ...

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