[Soot-list] Bug in coloring source code

emma emma4ever86 at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 10 06:27:14 EDT 2014

Hi everyone,

I deal with a problem in coloring the source code, while I get the 
correct tags on jimple code.

I'm adding the tags on ValueBoxes that I want depending on the analysis
/        ((ValueBox) b).addTag(new MyTag(p1));//
//        ((ValueBox) b).addTag(new ColorTag(ColorTag.GREEN,true,"MyTag"));/
(I would appreciate any explaination on how these tags color exactly the 
variable that I want...
I expected in the beginning that they would color all the box)

and I remove all the other tags:

This works fine for jimple code, but doesn't work for source code.
For some reason, on the XML file for the source code, the tag that I get is:
             <srcPos sline="0" eline="0" spos="0" epos="0"/>
but the tags on jmpPos are correct !

I have this problem for quite a long period and cannot find the reason 
why it happens.
I would reallyy appreciate any help on that.

Thanks in advance,

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