[Soot-list] Fwd: FW: Setting Soot Classpath

Steven Arzt Steven.Arzt at cased.de
Sun Mar 16 18:22:29 EDT 2014

Hi Abhi,


you have mixed up two different possibilities of how to specify the target
of a JVM call. You can either use “java –jar soot.jar 
” *or* “java –cp
soot.jar soot.Main 
”. Using “-jar” together with the main class is however
not valid. So there are two ways to fix your command line:


java –jar soot-2.5.0.jar –f shimple --soot-classpath 




java –cp soot-2.5.0.jar soot.Main –f simple --soot-classpath 


Please note that Soot 2.5.0 is pretty outdated. I’d rather recommend using
the nightly build instead:


Best regards,



From: Abhishek Singh [mailto:abhisheksingh245 at gmail.com] 
Sent: Sonntag, 16. März 2014 22:19
To: Steven Arzt
Subject: Re: [Soot-list] Fwd: FW: Setting Soot Classpath


Hi Steven,

 I appreciate the help. I was using
http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/tutorial/usage/ document. It explains with
an example how to use the classpath. I have attached the same as
instructions. However when I try the same in my machine it generates an

 I will appreciate any help to resolve the issue.

Thank you,


On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Steven Arzt <Steven.Arzt at cased.de> wrote:

Hi Abhishek,


your command line is wrong. You might want to have a look at the
documentation: http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot/tutorial/usage/


In general, you need to specify the Soot classpath using the –cg option.


Best regards,



From: soot-list-bounces at sable.mcgill.ca
[mailto:soot-list-bounces at sable.mcgill.ca] On Behalf Of Ismail Badawi
Sent: Sonntag, 16. März 2014 05:40
To: Soot-list
Subject: [Soot-list] Fwd: FW: Setting Soot Classpath


(Just forwarding to the right list.)




On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Rahul Garg <rahul.garg at mail.mcgill.ca>

Some guy is looking for help on soot and happened to find my email address
as associated with the lab somehow. 
I don't know the correct mailing list for soot. Can you please forward?



From: Abhishek Singh [abhisheksingh245 at gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2014 9:08 PM
To: Rahul Garg
Subject: Fwd: Setting Soot Classpath

Hi Rahul,

 I apologize for sending email in this manner. I am trying to use Soot. I am
running into some issues. I tried sending emails to the people listed on the
Soot pages unfortunately they seems to bounce back.

I require your help here. Can you please to  forward the email to the person
who currently owns the soot. Thank you once again for the kind help. 




I am new to soot. As such from the command prompt I can run soot.Main --help
option.  However when I try to use the -f shimple option. It generated an
error.  soot-classpath not defined. I require help here. 

Can you please explain to me in baby steps how to set the soot-classpath. 

Thank you,




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