[Soot-list] Call the colorer twice for the same Scene.v()

Wiza w1zagr33n at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 12:25:28 EDT 2014

Hello list,

I have the query if it's possible for the same Scene.v() to call the 
colorer a second time.
That helps me in order to color the results of an analysis, the way I 
want it.
If it's possible, could you please guide me how to do that?

My thinking: I have the results of an analysis. After soot is executed 
once, there's still
the Scene, so I have the results and everything needed. I'm trying to 
find the way how to
color an exact set of the results, but doesnt seem so obvious to me how 
to do it.
In this point I'd like to ask for your help.

Thank you very much in advance,


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