[Soot-list] Bug in traps translation

Martin Schäf martinschaef at gmail.com
Wed Sep 10 00:29:58 EDT 2014

Sorry for nagging all the time... here is a java program (a piece of

public class FalsePositives08 {
Object constraintsLock;
private String[] constraints;
private String constraint;
public void fp01() {
        synchronized (constraintsLock) {
            String results[] =
                new String[constraints.length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++)
                results[i] = constraints[i];
results[constraints.length] = constraint;
            constraints = results;

The bytecode is attached in lala.txt. You can see in the exception table:
      Exception table:
         from    to  target type
             7    62    65   any
            65    69    65   any
so the code from 65 to 69 (exclusive) gets caught by 65 ...
        65: astore        4
        67: aload_1
        68: monitorexit
        69: aload         4
        71: athrow
if not, it rethrows, which is basically a finally block.

In the jimple program (also attached), you can see however:
        temp$17 := @caughtexception;
        exitmonitor temp$0;
        throw temp$17;


        catch java.lang.Throwable from label0 to label5 with label4;

Which means that block4 goes into an infinite loop if I'm not mistaking,

That causes a lot of headache in my analysis... is there an easy way I can
fix that? Btw., I'm still on soot-2.5.0 because of the line number problem.
Someone mentioned I can fix that by using coffi instead of ASM but I have
no idea what that means :(

Many Thanks,
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Classfile /Users/schaef/git/jar2bpl/jar2bpl_test/regression/false_positives/fp08/FalsePositives08.class
  Last modified Sep 9, 2014; size 770 bytes
  MD5 checksum 9317bef138491898b38212c54e5f11d9
  Compiled from "FalsePositives08.java"
public class FalsePositives08
  SourceFile: "FalsePositives08.java"
  minor version: 0
  major version: 51
Constant pool:
   #1 = Methodref          #7.#32         //  java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   #2 = Fieldref           #6.#33         //  FalsePositives08.constraintsLock:Ljava/lang/Object;
   #3 = Fieldref           #6.#34         //  FalsePositives08.constraints:[Ljava/lang/String;
   #4 = Class              #35            //  java/lang/String
   #5 = Fieldref           #6.#36         //  FalsePositives08.constraint:Ljava/lang/String;
   #6 = Class              #37            //  FalsePositives08
   #7 = Class              #38            //  java/lang/Object
   #8 = Utf8               constraintsLock
   #9 = Utf8               Ljava/lang/Object;
  #10 = Utf8               constraints
  #11 = Utf8               [Ljava/lang/String;
  #12 = Utf8               constraint
  #13 = Utf8               Ljava/lang/String;
  #14 = Utf8               <init>
  #15 = Utf8               ()V
  #16 = Utf8               Code
  #17 = Utf8               LineNumberTable
  #18 = Utf8               LocalVariableTable
  #19 = Utf8               this
  #20 = Utf8               LFalsePositives08;
  #21 = Utf8               fp01
  #22 = Utf8               i
  #23 = Utf8               I
  #24 = Utf8               results
  #25 = Utf8               StackMapTable
  #26 = Class              #38            //  java/lang/Object
  #27 = Class              #11            //  "[Ljava/lang/String;"
  #28 = Class              #37            //  FalsePositives08
  #29 = Class              #39            //  java/lang/Throwable
  #30 = Utf8               SourceFile
  #31 = Utf8               FalsePositives08.java
  #32 = NameAndType        #14:#15        //  "<init>":()V
  #33 = NameAndType        #8:#9          //  constraintsLock:Ljava/lang/Object;
  #34 = NameAndType        #10:#11        //  constraints:[Ljava/lang/String;
  #35 = Utf8               java/lang/String
  #36 = NameAndType        #12:#13        //  constraint:Ljava/lang/String;
  #37 = Utf8               FalsePositives08
  #38 = Utf8               java/lang/Object
  #39 = Utf8               java/lang/Throwable
  java.lang.Object constraintsLock;

  public FalsePositives08();
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
         0: aload_0       
         1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
         4: return        
        line 3: 0
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
               0       5     0  this   LFalsePositives08;

  public void fp01();
    flags: ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=4, locals=5, args_size=1
         0: aload_0       
         1: getfield      #2                  // Field constraintsLock:Ljava/lang/Object;
         4: dup           
         5: astore_1      
         6: monitorenter  
         7: aload_0       
         8: getfield      #3                  // Field constraints:[Ljava/lang/String;
        11: arraylength   
        12: iconst_1      
        13: iadd          
        14: anewarray     #4                  // class java/lang/String
        17: astore_2      
        18: iconst_0      
        19: istore_3      
        20: iload_3       
        21: aload_0       
        22: getfield      #3                  // Field constraints:[Ljava/lang/String;
        25: arraylength   
        26: if_icmpge     44
        29: aload_2       
        30: iload_3       
        31: aload_0       
        32: getfield      #3                  // Field constraints:[Ljava/lang/String;
        35: iload_3       
        36: aaload        
        37: aastore       
        38: iinc          3, 1
        41: goto          20
        44: aload_2       
        45: aload_0       
        46: getfield      #3                  // Field constraints:[Ljava/lang/String;
        49: arraylength   
        50: aload_0       
        51: getfield      #5                  // Field constraint:Ljava/lang/String;
        54: aastore       
        55: aload_0       
        56: aload_2       
        57: putfield      #3                  // Field constraints:[Ljava/lang/String;
        60: aload_1       
        61: monitorexit   
        62: goto          72
        65: astore        4
        67: aload_1       
        68: monitorexit   
        69: aload         4
        71: athrow        
        72: return        
      Exception table:
         from    to  target type
             7    62    65   any
            65    69    65   any
        line 10: 0
        line 11: 7
        line 13: 18
        line 14: 29
        line 13: 38
        line 15: 44
        line 16: 55
        line 17: 60
        line 19: 72
        Start  Length  Slot  Name   Signature
              20      24     3     i   I
              18      42     2 results   [Ljava/lang/String;
               0      73     0  this   LFalsePositives08;
      StackMapTable: number_of_entries = 4
           frame_type = 254 /* append */
             offset_delta = 20
        locals = [ class java/lang/Object, class "[Ljava/lang/String;", int ]
           frame_type = 250 /* chop */
          offset_delta = 23
           frame_type = 255 /* full_frame */
          offset_delta = 20
          locals = [ class FalsePositives08, class java/lang/Object ]
          stack = [ class java/lang/Throwable ]
           frame_type = 250 /* chop */
          offset_delta = 6

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