[Soot-list] How to Speed up Flowdroid!

Modhi Alsobiehy m99m20 at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 16 13:35:55 EDT 2014

Hi Flowdroid users,

I need to run flowdroid from command line to analyze 30+ of the top downloaded apps and it is taking a lot of time to run - 15+ hours!- for not so big apks- 5 to 16MB- 
To prevent any out of memory errors and speed up the process i am using these options: -Xmx4g and --nopaths
Yet it keeps running and running and not showing any results - seems stuck after a while!-
From your experience with Flowdroid, what are the best practices that speed up the process?
Are you aware of any specific system requirements that could help?

Your quick response is highly recommended!

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