[Soot-list] Exception occurred when I was trying to run the flowdroid

Jason Xie 472408570 at qq.com
Tue Sep 23 12:32:30 EDT 2014

Dear Steven and others:
I get the following error when I want to run the flowdroid in eclipse. I  put the five project(hero,jasmin,soot,soot-infoflow,soot-infoflow-android) in common parent directory,and then imported them into the eclipse.‍
I set arg[0] for apk-file and args[1] for android-jar-directory.While the following exception occurred.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: This operation requires resolving level SIGNATURES but java.security.cert.Certificate$CertificateRep is at resolving level DANGLING
If you are extending Soot, try to add the following call before calling soot.Main.main(..):
Otherwise, try whole-program mode (-w).‍

Is there anything I forgot to set for running flowdroid?

Jason Xie
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