[Soot-list] Use SOOT to analyse Java library.

Bodden, Eric eric.bodden at sit.fraunhofer.de
Sat Apr 11 03:25:11 EDT 2015

Hi Christian.

> I added the -allow-phantom-refs and got the same runtime exception as you did. I also got some Jasmin warnings.
> Is this a problem in SOOT?

Yes it’s a bug that should be fixed.

> If I try to use the same class (DateTimeParseContext) in a different application with main and all the trimmings, would I get the same Runtime exception?

Yes. The options I chose cause Soot to process all classes independently of one another. So one can easily reproduce that particular bug by just passing that single class to Soot.

> Will it make any difference if I used Java source (from OpenJDK) or would it produce the same problem?

That might go around this particular problem or might not. It depends on where the bug arises. Having said that, Soot’s source-code frontend is known to be a lot less stable than the bytecode one, so you would probably not be better off trying that.

You are most welcome in helping us fix this bug. A good start would be to product Jimple for the offending class (using the option -f J) and see if there’s any suspicious cast in there.


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