[Soot-list] PC out of bounds Error

Naveen Neelakandan neelakandan at wisc.edu
Thu Apr 30 14:39:07 EDT 2015


I wrote an extension to Soot. Now, when I try to compile one of the Dacapo benchmarks (for e.g, Avrora) with my extended version of soot, I run into the below error.

jasmin:257871: Jasmin: exception - <java.lang.RuntimeException> PC great than
65535, the token is label868 : 467999

It seems the exception is being thrown when writing out one of my own classes that I wrote as an exception to soot.

>From a similar question, here: https://mailman.cs.mcgill.ca/pipermail/soot-list/2007-February/001031.html

It seems the error comes from a method exceeding the 64K bytecode size. However, as I understand it, this might only be true for really long methods? The longest method in the class in question is only 10 lines long.

It should also be noted that I do NOT run into this error when compiling own of my own test programs (which are pretty small ~ 200 lines of code) with the Soot extension.

Could anyone give me a pointer on how to go about debugging this? I see the error is being thrown at the jas.CodeAttributeDecoder.decode method. Would it help if I modified the source at CodeAttr to print out the PC value it is getting at line 142?


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