[Soot-list] Navigate through the JimpleBasedInterproceduralCFG

Marjan Radi marjan.radi at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 12 20:26:41 EDT 2015

I have tried to use "JimpleBasedInterproceduralCFG", but it is not clear to me how can I use its methods, how can I use it to construct the application CFG and how to iterate through this graph. For iterating on application CFG, we must uses "getSuccsOf(unit)" method, but this method needs an input parameter with unit type. The problem is that I do not know how can I initialize this input parameter before starting to iterate over the graph.  I looked at https://github.com/Sable/soot/ tree/develop/src/soot/jimple/ toolkits/ide/exampleproblems, but it could not help me. Is there any example shows how can iterate over the CFG constructed using JimpleBasedInterproceduralCFG? or Is there any example that uses this class which I can look at to do my implementation? 
Best Regards,Marjan
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