[Soot-list] Inner Classes are not being detected

Jason Ott jott002 at ucr.edu
Thu Jul 30 16:10:54 EDT 2015

I am running soot as follows:

Options.v().parse("-cp /path/to/android/sources/:. -f J -w
-allow-phantom-refs -p jb use-original-names");

// Where className is
com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService$BinderService Scene.v
().addBasicClass(className, SootClass.BODIES);
soot.Main.main(new String[]{className}); return Scene.v

When I run this on com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService and ask
soot if it is an inner class, it correctly returns false.

However, when I ask soot if
com.android.server.power.PowerManagerService$BinderService is an inner
class soot incorrectly returns false.

This is the extent of my code. I use transformations on bodies, but I don't
actually alter the body in any form.
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