[Soot-list] Call graph building error when using averroes (soot.AbstractSootFieldRef$FieldResolutionFailedException: Class java.lang.System doesn't have field err)

Karim Ali karim.ali at cased.de
Thu May 7 09:44:32 EDT 2015

Hi Danilo,

In response to your previous message (sorry just joined the mailing list after your post),

I think the issue here is that the settings configure SOOT to prepend the given classpath to default classpath which will encounter the original Java7 class files before the placeholder ones. Therefore, Soot encounters some uses of the original library that are irrelevant for the placeholder causing the loading of some non-existent classes/fields. To fix that, do not set the prepend_classpath(true) option. 


- Karim
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