[Soot-list] FlowDroid - full set of nodes for calculating diameter of control-flow graph?

kaunder kap.underwood+sootlist at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 00:51:11 EST 2015

Hello All,

Another FlowDroid question for you. I'm interested in calculating the
diameter (i.e. the longest path out of the set of shortest paths between
all nodes) of the control-flow graph that FlowDroid uses for it's analysis.
I have been working under the assumption that this graph is the variable
iCfg of type InfoflowCFG in the class soot.jimple.infoflow.Infoflow.java.
However, InfoflowCFG does not appear to have a way to access the set of all
nodes in the control flow graph.

The closest thing I've found appears to be the sets of Units returned by
InfoflowCFG.getNonCallEndNodes() and InfoflowCFG.getNonCallStartNodes(),
but clearly this is not the full set of nodes in the graph. I made an
attempt at an approximate calculation by running the Floyd-Warshall
algorithm on the union of these two sets, but my calculated diameter was
significantly smaller than I would expect so I assume that I'm still
missing a lot of nodes.

Is there a way to get access the set of all nodes in the graph, so that I
can use them in a shortest-path algorithm? Or is there another class that I
should be looking at?

Thanks and regards,

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