[Soot-list] ClassFormatError

Naveen Neelakandan neelakandan at wisc.edu
Tue Oct 6 12:56:28 EDT 2015


Sorry for the spam but another quick question. I am creating many(~10000) new static boolean fields in a class using the below code.

new SootField(methodSignature.hashCode() + "_" + i, BooleanType.v(), Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC);

This compiles but at runtime I get a illegal field name error when the program tries to access one of these static fields.

Is there some restrictions on the field names (related to Jasmin)? If so could someone point me to what the restrictions are?

I have looked at the Jasmin page but found nothing that seems to indicate I am assigning an illegal name. And I can't find anything on the Soot mailing list about this.

It should also be noted that just passing the method Signature to the field as below results in a ClassFormatError.

new SootField(methodSignature.hashCode(), BooleanType.v(), Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.PUBLIC);


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