[Soot-list] ConcurrentModificationException while using ThreadLocalObjectAnalysis

Abhinav Sharma abhinav92003 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 05:56:40 EDT 2016

I am working with the latest soot-trunk.jar . I'm performing the following
inside a BodyTransformer subclass:

1. Identify the variables that are shared between multiple threads
    - I'm using the ThreadLocalObjectsAnalysis::isObjectThreadLocal()
method for this
    - I iterate over all locals in the body of a method, and check each of
them using tloa.isObjectThreadLocal(local, body.getMethod()).

2. Perform some modifications to the application source based on the list
of shared variables computed above.

I'm getting a java.util.ConcurrentModificationException in the
tloa.isObjectThreadLocal(local, body.getMethod()) line of my code.

I tried executing (1) and (2) as separate phases, but that also gives the
same Exception.

Can anyone help me out regarding this?

Abhinav Sharma
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