[Soot-list] Missing Virtualinvoke Edge in Call Graph

John Ng john.ng162014 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 15:29:25 EST 2016

Hi Everyone,

I am using Soot to analyze Apache Hadoop but I find out that the call graph
generated by Soot misses several edges. For example, when I output a list
of all methods which are reachable from entry points, I can find the method
named ``submitJob". However, I cannot find all methods which are invoked
within method ``submitJob". I printed all statements in the method
submitJob's body and realized that all methods appeared in virtualinvoke
statements are not reachable.

The Soot's argument list is as follows: -whole-program -allow-phantom-refs
-no-bodies-for-excluded -p cg all-reachable:true -asm-backend -p cg.spark
enabled:true -p cg.spark on-the-fly:true pre-jimplify:true -p jb

I really appreciate if anyone can tell me what I should do in this case to
make the above methods become reachable.

Thank you in advance.

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