[Soot-list] Type Conversion for Non-Primitive types

Pallavi Majumder s8pamaju at stud.uni-saarland.de
Thu Apr 6 11:33:34 EDT 2017

Hello All,

I need to do some type conversions in soot for my project.

In the case if I have string value of "10" , I can convert it to an  
integer by simply Integer.parseInt("10") and then  
IntConstant.v(Integer.parseInt("10")) would give me a value in soot of  
Integer type. This is successful type conversion.

Now, the problem that I am facing is : Say I have a  
Date(java.util.Date) stored as string such as "06-04-2017" , how can I  
convert this to a Soot value of say type Object(so that I can handle  
other non-primitive types as well) similar to how I did for IntConstant.

Any help would be appreciated,
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