[Soot-list] Hi, I have a problem about the path identification of FlowDroid. Could you please help me?

孟昭逸 mzy516 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 21:00:57 EST 2017

Hi all,

Recently, I try to use FlowDroid to extract complete data-flow paths in
Android app.
However, I meet a problem in the following example.

*a = source();*

*if(conditionA) {*
*   a = a + 1;*
*else {*
*   a = a * 1;*


In the above example, I can extract only one data-flow path from source()
to sink().
Obviously, there are two different data-flow paths in the code example.

I add the parameter "--pathalgo contextinsensitive" in our command line,
while there is no use.

How can I solve this problem?
Thanks a lot!

Best Regards,
Zhaoyi Meng
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